Arizona Camera Club Council (ACCC) Constitution and By-Laws

I. Purpose & Objectives

The purpose and Objectives of the Council shall be to effect a federation of camera clubs in the State of Arizona to promote the mutual enjoyment of photography, to encourage advancement of its members in the knowledge and contributions to the progress of photography, to render service to its Member Clubs for the purpose of promoting the enjoyment of photography through membership in local camera clubs, to provide a means of exchange of ideas and ready communication through its various clubs, and to support the programs and activities of the Photographic Society of America.

II. Member Clubs

Organized photography clubs in the State of Arizona may become Member Clubs in ACCC.  Membership of a club is subject to the approval of a majority of the Board of Directors, whose decision shall be final on all applications for membership.  Members of Member Clubs participate in ACCC activities and are represented by their Club Representatives.  Individuals that are not members of Member Clubs may participate in ACCC events and competition at the discretion of the Board.

III. Board of Directors (Board)

 The controlling body of the Council shall be a Board of Directors consisting of a Club Representative or Alternate Representative selected by each Member Club, which together are a Directors of ACCC

IV.  Executive Board

The Executive Board is composed of the Officers and Chairpersons of the standing committees. They will meet to recommend items to the Board of Directors.

The following are the standing committees:

ACCC Webmaster                                      Chronicle

Competition Secretary                                Digital Media

Ethics                                                           Honors

Nominating                                                  Print Chair

Program                                                       Projected Images Chair

V.  Executive Officers (Officers)

Executive Officers include a President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer and any other Executive Officers established by the Board of Directors and serving at the discretion of the President for a designated period of time.

VI. Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year of the Council shall be from December 1 to November 30

VII. Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting shall be the last Arizona Camera Club Council Membership Meeting in the Fiscal Year.

VIII. Membership Meetings

Membership Meetings shall be held at both the time and place to be  determined by the Board of Directors.

IX. Duties & Functions of the Board and Officers

Board of Directors

It shall be the duty of the Executive Board to carry on the routine business and guide the activities of the Council in such a way as to relieve the membership, insofar as possible, of the necessity of transacting business at meetings.

          The Executive Board shall have complete charge and supervision of the matters affecting the Council where provision has not been made otherwise in this document.

           The Board shall appoint Officers to fill any vacancies in Executive Offices to serve until the next regular election of Officers.

           Board meetings shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order.


The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Council and will preside at all Full Board and Executive Board Meetings.

He/She shall have general and active management of the business of the Council and shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Board are put into effect.

He/She shall have the general powers and duties of supervision and management usually vested in the office of President of an organization.

He/She shall establish and monitor the activities of committees as required to carry out the business of the Council.


               The President-Elect shall work with and assist the current President.  He/She shall act as President in the absence of that officer.  He/She shall be concerned with the planning and organizing activities for when he/she will serve as President.


               The Secretary shall keep a full and accurate record of the proceedings of all meetings of the Board and the Council and shall be required to submit the minutes of the Board of Directors in a timely manner and post them on the ACCC website.  The Secretary shall be the general correspondent for the Board and shall provide a roster of officers, committee chairs, and Directors (Club Representatives and Alternates)


              The Treasurer shall have charge of all funds of the Council and of the disbursement thereof under the direction of the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall keep a record of all monies received and paid out, make a report to the Board at each Board meeting, and will issue a written Annual Report.  Financial records shall be audited a minimum of once every two years by an Audit Committee or person established by the  President.

X. Nomination & Election of Officers


The President is to submit a Nominating Chairperson at a Board Meeting in the fall of even numbered years.

The Nominating Chairperson shall announce their slate of candidates at the Board Meeting prior to the Annual Membership Meeting in odd numbered years.

Nominations shall remain open until the election of Officers.


Candidates nominated by the Nominating Committee or from the floor prior to the election shall be elected by a majority of the Directors voting at a Board Meeting concurrent with the Annual Meeting.  The election shall be by means of official ballots provided by the Secretary if any of the offices are contested.

Newly elected officers shall take over their duties at the beginning of the fiscal year following their election and their Term of office shall be two years beginning in an odd numbered year.

XI. Board Quorum and Voting

Directors representing two-thirds of the Member Clubs shall constitute a Quorum.

When a Quorum is present, the vote of a majority of the clubs present shall be necessary to decide any Board action.

Each member club shall be entitled to one vote cast by its Club Representative or Designated Alternate.Members of the Executive Committee shall not vote unless they are also their home club representative.         

XII. Dues and Fees

 The Board of Directors shall fix the Annual Dues and any fees charged for participation in ACCC events.


XIII. Rules and Guidelines

The Executive Board through appropriate committees will maintain documents consistent with Board directives to insure Committees, Member Clubs, and their Members understand Rules and Guidelines to participate in ACCC activities.

XIV. Amendments and Dissolution

 All proposed amendments to this Constitution and By-Laws document shall be submitted to the Member Clubs via their Club Representatives for approval no less than 30-days prior to the meeting that the proposed amendment is to be voted upon.

The Council may be dissolved at any Annual Meeting by a vote of the majority of the members present.  In the event two consecutive years pass  without an Annual Meeting being held, the organization may be dissolved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.


Adopted at Mesa, AZ on the 25th day of October, 1958

Amended January 8, 1961

Amended March 5, 1965

Amended October 28, 1967

Amended May 3, 1986

Amended March 1, 2008

This amendment combined the Constitution and By-Laws as one document

Amended August 11, 2021